What do you see in suits ? It's more than just an outfit

Suits. What can you see in that posh outfit ? Do you see the wearer as someone rich and having deep pockets or does the wearer is a fashionista and making his effort to follow up with the current fashion trend ? Or maybe he's trying his ass off to gain popularity and always being under the spotlight ? Well there's a lot that we all may assume over a person who dresses out of the usual tho'. But none of us will ever know the real intention of another being, that's the job of The Almighty. Therefore, here I will share a little knowledge that one may had not focus their view on. "Don't judge a book by its cover" sounds very common especially towards the primary level students. But nevertheless, it should be reminded over any human being who will read this post on.

Let me share some pictures of with my favourite outfit of all time, my Black suit. Labels ? It's my secret. The inside smart shirt goes around Topman and G2000.

    Prom Night, Syakir (M) and Fithry (R)

            Graduation Day '11, Azwan

          Topman's white and blue suit

     Nur Isnatasha and Firdaus Iszeham,         
                 another suit up man

            Topman Topshop Pavilion
             Part time working period

                       Suits meme

             School photoshoot, Azraei

Personally, one of my goals in life is getting to wear suits and working like those monkey in suits, earn big cash projects and living a workaholic life. Well it didn't take me long to realize that's not the kind of life I wish to go through for the next 30 - 40 years ( if I live that long, with Allah's Will ) . I've tried living that life partially by working at Topshop Topman, Pavilion branch and earn my cash just to update my wardrobe ( Not to forget, I wear my suit as the daily work attire ). Well at least I chose to earn my own money and do what I wanted to do over it, rather than being spoon fed by my parents to gain any wishes that I want. Okay sorry for dragging too much, back to the real agenda.

You would not believe that suits is more than just a suit. By putting on me, I am able to do few things which I am not able to achieve. First is confidence. Psychological studies shows what shapes a person to become "the person" is through the adaption of their nature ( genetics inheritance ) and nurture ( environment ). I wasn't born straightaway to become confident and fluent while speaking to any other beings, especially a total stranger. But experience changed myself from a "shy boy" to a "presentable man". I went through few things which people would say "embarrassing moment in their life", but lets just skip that part. Suits will help you to feel confident while engaging another person. The first impression is important to make others feel welcome towards ourselves. Not only that, while your "outer positive aura" attracts people around you, you'll find that your mind will generate positive energies or thoughts. Surely this will help you not to feel shaky while presenting your presentation, as an example. It's obvious that it'll make you feel confident around a person you adore, without doubt.

The second thing I like to do while wearing it is, I love testing the mentality of people around me. I taught myself to always give somekind of "tests" to them so that I'll know better eventhough it's only the first time I'm talking to them. The stereotypical mindset ( which I've always experienced around my UiTM Lendu campus ) is that they'd thought that "I am a weird person" or "mencapub" ( mencari publisiti / publicity seeker ) . Through a simple test that I passed out and many fails, without doubt, I can predict what type of person he / she is. They love gossiping over a person ( cakap belakang ), they have this mindset of "pulaukan" someone which is so childish and shows that their mindset isn't wide open and many so on.

Everyone can test any other beings, but you need to learn few knowledge like interpersonal and human psychology. Because even me as a daily wearer of suit, I am also being tested whether am I cocky over what I have, will I be humble towards others and especially towards The Creator, can I withstand the mental pressure which some people put me on.

If we open up our mind, even the purpose of our creation is to test us whether are we grateful with what The Almighty lends us. We don't own anything in this world, He is The One who owns the Earth, Universe and The Judgement Day. 

My apologies towards my grammatical errors. Learning process is a lifelong commitment, what we should do is to help any other people who needs guidance. Guidance isn't only applicable to parent-children or formal teacher-student, as long as we have a higher knowledge while the others don't have it, we can also be a teacher to them. Remember, every deeds we do will be judged, even if its the size of an atom. Peace be upon you.


Farhan Jaidir said…
you didn't even gave me the photo with you.... its inside your note...

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