Experience is priceless. Lesson learnt should be valued even more.

Peace be upon you, my brothers and sisters. Before I start writing, ( eventually I still have to type ).... I meant my post, I feel like sharing a little part of self. I've met various type of people, listened to many stories, gave countless advices, shared thoughts, of course we'll gain more than what we give to others. Thus, its good that we can always share our own experience. Isn't it better if we let the other person knows what we went through so they do have some clues on how to settle their future puzzles in life. The Creator has created mankind with different skin colours, various languages and so on for us to "saling lengkap-melengkapi". Sorry I totally forgot what the translation is... Spread the knowledge, share it. Remember, we own nothing on this world. Put it in your mind. 

Networking is an important subject. I believe it's among the factors for one to succeed in life. Speaking of networking, it means a wide range of people that we know. I've made quite a number of friends with total strangers. Some of them are adults with their own family. Knowing those who already has their own family is very interesting since I get to listen to what they went through. Also, I've listened to their past experiences which some even told me that they had to migrate from another country while they were at my age just to support their life, since their origin family isn't wealthy enough to let them continue their tertiary education. For me, I am very grateful of what I currently possesses now. Not to forget, life is a test. Are you grateful with your current life ? Ask yourself.

Getting to know a lot of people is a good practice, not to gain popularity, but to secure your future life a little. One day, the person might be a lawyer, an architect, a businessman or even a politician. Well that's pretty far to imagine, let me take it nearer. I let myself being known during the orientation week isn't about making people recognise me. It's because I know that it'll bring me benefits for the future me ( actually I can also say my present self ). The public thought that I was a publicity seeker. I knew what I want, that's why I didn't really care of what people commented against me. I know myself well. As long as I recognizes my goals and making sure it doesn't go against the religion, everything is fine. Anyway, I forgive those who talked behind my back and spread the anti-me rumors. Learn from our past experience to benefit our future. That's the purpose of learning the history subject.

Sorry, I haven't finish explaining the benefits..... Here we go again. One of the best thing I get now is people starts to understands what kind of personality I own. Why I do weird things or practices unusual stuffs. I'm not saying something like black magics ok..... Because when people starts to understand who you really are, that means they are willing to accept who you are. I won't change myself just to make me feel welcomed by the public ( But I will change myself to please my Creator ). Thus, people also start to realize who I really am. As what my friend mentioned few days ago, "now tak dengar dah orang cakap pasal potter. Plus, orang makin okay dengan you". As long as we're ikhlas in whatever we're doing, trust me, a greater reward awaits you. It'll be paid in your afterlife. My target has always for my life after death. But I was tested to see whether am I ikhlas in what I'm doing. As usual, whatever I post in here will eventually has to do something with our Creator. Has always been for The One. Put Him as your first. If you choose to chase the dunya, it'll run away. If you chase The One created this dunya, the dunya will go after you. Remember. 

Anyway, I've started working in Typo KLCC branch on weekends. Feel free to shop there and also meet me :) so my next post will be about my time management, with Allah's Will.


Daddy Adam Iris said…
Good. You may promote Typo KLCC continuously. Hihi.

Anyway, saling lengkap melengkapi is to complete each other.

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