First Post

Hi, so this is my first post and I'd like to introduce myself.

Name given is Farhan, surname Jaidir. Currently 19 years old, will turn 20 on the upcoming 29th May. My descendants were neither from Malaysia Peninsular or East Malaysia, but they were Minang of Sumatera and Malay Riau families. 

Currently a student in UiTM Lendu, Alor Gajah Campus, Melacca in Diploma of Communication and Media Studies. Some would recognize me with the name "Potter" which has a little resemblance with Harry Potter portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe. Or maybe because of the size of my spectacles, who knows.

People always say "balik kampung" at a real kampung environment but for me "balik kampung" means "kampung concrete" since every year the only place we visit is Marine Parade in Singapore.

Shortly, why do I suddenly choose to write a blog ?

Well its simple. I want to practice more on my writing skills. I've been writing offline since two years back where I write to express my emotions and to release any disappointments in myself. I've also wrote a "love diary" which consists of more than 100 pages long. That should've been a present towards a lover of mine back then. But fate didn't let it happen. Allah knows what's best for His creation, so I accepted it willingly.

A lecturer of mine suggested me to start writing in a blog, since she believes I have tons and tons of knowledge to be shared with others out there. What I love sharing most is my knowledge in Islam. There are a lot of misconception which most people thought that "Islam itu Melayu" and "Melayu itu Islam" ( generally Malaysians ). 

I shall keep the enthusiasm runs in me to start writing online. Until then, ladies and gentlemen.


Daddy Adam Iris said…
Good share and good thought. However in Malaysia especially, Islam and Malay is like a sibling already. It is because of the symbiotic matters happen in our beloved country, and because of this, many people will and would say that Malays are Muslim and vice versa. Keep posting mate amd good night. Assalamualaikum.
Farhan Jaidir said…
true enough. that's how we sees Islam as it be. but this religion is a religion of knowledge, not something being passed on through generations. btw, ancient malay people practices buddha. that's why our culture has a little bit of their influences. it's not wrong to practice those, as long as it doesn't go across Islamic teachings :) Waalaikumsalam.

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