Gay, bisexual and me. Why some thought I am not straight

I believe that many has been eagerly waiting for me to write over this topic. A few mentioned me that they're looking forward upon reading this. But unfortunately I will not stretch much on this entry because there will be few among my readers who are within the circle. No offense to them and my job is to remind that The Hereafter is real. Therefore, I shall start writing with the name of The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

There are some people out there has the thought of me not straight. Well as for the current generation, it seems like being "not straight" is considered as normal. That is why their first impression towards me are usually "he's gay". Why do that happen ? First of all, my appearance. I do take care of my looks as if it is one of the most important part in my daily life. I cannot stop myself from wearing out of the usual outfits such as suits and tux. It became my habit. Last time, I didn't really care about how I look like. But now, to some of my closest friends, they find it really hard to see me wearing slippers or sandals for example. I'd prefer putting loafers ( shoe without laces ) on my feet. I, myself finds it weird.... For me, my current beliefs is what I wear will resemble my confidence level for that moment. But many would misinterpret it by thinking I am gay.... I have to admit that metrosexuality in me is very thick. The fact that metrosexuals has been linked with gays around the world, it is very hard to change these perception. Anyway, as long as I know myself well & I know that I am not, there is no reason for me to be scared of. Because The Almighty is able to read what lies inside my heart. Let Him be The One who judge me during The Day of Resurrection.

Some told me that the way I talk towards some guys does not indicate any "straight" sign. I've never realized that tho'. I'm used to speak softly with another being. The combination of my skinny physical appearance makes their impression even more solid. I will never understand how the society actually concludes if anyone is gay tho'. 

As for the friendship I built with others, I chose to be close with a person on one-to-one basis. If this happens with a girl, she'd think that I am flirting her while if its towards another guy, he'd think that I'm interested to be inside his ass. But NO, its because when you have a one-to-one friendship basis, the chances of knowing a person is higher compared to hanging out with a group of people. I'd love to know anyone in person, the knot will be even tighter and therefore trust is present. Plus I get to learn from their experiences and share what's beneath their mind. Its quite unfortunate where most of us are not able to see more than what we "sees" with our own eyes. We judge something from what we see, not from what it actually is.

This is why I've stressed on widening up our mind. The "quick to judge" mindset will never bring good within one self. Do more observation towards everything around us. Watch, observe and analyze. But we tend to put aside the three and replace it with "devastating comments". Yes, we all did and most likely still do.

There are actually more reason why do they think gay is my sexual orientation, but I choose not to write about it, yet. I'd prefer to shortly explain over their method of flirting. First, they'll observe how good looking you are through your fashion sense. Then, they will start to have a friendly conversation with you and tries to get to know who you are. When the friendship is present, the gay jokes part will arrive. But if you're still able to take these jokes without any offense taken and you can go along with these types of conversation, they would think that you are fine with having a "gay partner" or a greenlight towards gay relationship. These can be applied to any bisexuals, too. But don't jump into any conclusion unless if the person states it clearly. Reminder.

At that final level, if your social knowledge and composure is high, you will be able to handle these kind of friends. I'd highly suggests you to NOT get rid of these people because if you are sincere in the friendship, the best thing you could do to them is by straightening themselves up. All you need are plans and knowledge upon executing those. 

If you are currently within that situation, you may also refer to me personally. I won't let your story being known to the public. I'll give few suggestions on handling these people. Write an email to me

They're neither our enemies nor society's enemy. Believe me, they're among those who need guidance on letting themselves out of the darkness.

I did experience a few who approached me with the method I wrote earlier. Also, there was a PM at my Facebook account asking "are you top or bot?". At first I thought he PM-ed the wrong person and I asked what he was referring to. So, he answered me with this. 

Top - the manly / masculine half of a gay couple
Bot / Bottom - the feminine one, lesser dominant half

Another short story. There was a guy, my sister's friend ( who isn't straight ). Le sister asked a question ( which I won't mention specifically ) and his respond was "ni boleh tahan sedap ni"...... Okay...... No comment...... 

Before I end my entry, please take the poll that I post. The question is "how many percent do you agree with my writing ?" Thank you.


Daddy Adam Iris said…
Aiyoh.. Interesting topic. Well bcos this entry is more story about your experiences, what about to write something really general? Such as LGBT? But from your own thinking la.

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