Relationships and marriages. Sequel to the topic "Prevention is better than cure. Why I chose to spend time alone"

I feel like blogging more. So here I'll explain more on the previous topic "Prevention is better than cure. Why I chose to spend time alone". This post will be the second sequence on it. Obviously a single post won't be enough to explain that part of self. Here I go.

Many asked me "do you have a girlfriend ?" or "why don't you have one ?". It's simple. But I guess many wouldn't agree with me towards what will I post afterwards. The problem is actually on myself and also on how I sees women out there. One of my goals in life is actually to have my own family at a young age. But I believe it won't be easy as what matters most currently in raising up our own family is financial part.The financial barrier isn't something that a person can easily overcome. Plus I don't find much positive things while I have my own girlfriend at this moment. I am now a student, a part time worker, a leader to a small group of people, a blogger, a best friend towards many, a counsellor to those who need life advises, a full time son to my mom, a brother to my siblings, a servant to my Creator, a student under UiTM and many more. If I want to add another role in my life, I'd definitely ask for only one thing. If the chosen lady understands that I have many other obligations out there, certainly I'll say okay on the relationship. But I know it won't be as easy as I wish or as what any of you will comment on me later on because a girl won't simply understand how hard to divide the time with everything. But I still believe a matured lady will understand this kind of life. Maturity has many definition, depends on their level of understanding. But for me, maturity is shown by how we make logical or suitable decisions based on a scenario. In addition, if we're able to understand or at least tries to understand what the other person is going through and offers them at least a piece of an advice, that's enough. It proves that you have a high level of empathy. That is how I sees maturity as. By the way, its hard to define it. I believe many has their own idea on that particular word. 

Well as I've said before this, my target is becoming a good Muslim. Therefore, the chances of doing the things that is prohibited by our religion while being with your "partner" is very high indeed. But I believe in one thing. If I am interested in knowing someone, I will find my way to know her. Because the goal of knowing a daughter of Eve's will always be to see whether does she has the possibility of becoming my wife in future or not. My intention of getting married at a young age is to avoid any wrongdoings that I can possibly do as my age goes on. As for the parents, if your child is looking at this way, I'd highly suggests that you should support your children financially in creating their own family at a young age. Would you like to see your kid being pregnant without a legitimate husband or maybe seeing your son being caught by Jakim while with another woman ? Believe me, I wouldn't want that to happen on myself. For me, my surroundings offers such a great test on my Iman and nafs' or lust. At any moment I am able to do any social misconduct. It's such a disappointment to see people who don't seem to care much about their beliefs in their heart. I am also disappointed to myself which I also do those bad actions periodically. We also tends to play with the words of God. Or should I say, manipulate His orders ? May He forgives all our wrongdoing in past and future.

But speaking about building our own family, it is something debatable. But for me, its simply to please my Creator. If we're sincere in whatever actions that we're doing, He will definitely help you to achieve it. Put your beliefs at the highest point, prepare yourself with much knowledge, know the reason why we chooses any paths, I can guarantee that in the end we will find victory on our side. He owns all 7 levels of the sky and the earth. So, make Him pleased with our actions. We won't feel lonely.

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