How I changed my perspective on life

Peace be upon you. Now I do have a rough idea on what to write today. There's a lot more to cover and I guess I shall pick another fraction of what's currently in mind. Anyway, quite a gamer I actually am, especially in Dota 2. Add me, princemalaysia. But sometimes I'd choose writing here rather than just gaming all day long. Because I know many people out there needs these type of reading material but it seems ridiculous to read up a 200 - 300 pages motivational books since many of us aren't a book addict. I congratulate those who starts to love reading. But isn't it easier to learn through a video ? We tend to feel attracted more on screen rather than reading, it also offers more impact to our brain. We've seen the percentage of effects on studying method at our school walls, haven't we ? Ironically, I am still surprised with what I learnt during my school life. A lot of useful life tips were offered but unfortunately the public norms stresses more on examination results.

Here the story begins. I was a normal student during my secondary 1 - 3. I followed the norms, I did what a normal teen would do, I wasn't a good Muslim either. I went out with another girl and hold her hand in public, I made ridiculous and unacceptable problems. Well all I can say I wasn't a good person overall. In addition, my grades weren't great either. 
But at the age of 16, my family pushed me to join a sponsored religious class at Lot 2866, Pinggir TTDI ( ) . From there, i started to open up how my view towards my own beliefs. It was conducted by 3 different ustaz and ustazah, one of them is Dr Fatma. We've seen her in visual media quite frequently, have we ?

A year later, I started studying about the deceiving parts of the world. During my SPM, I didn't put much effort on revising my pure science subjects but instead I watched the YouTube video "The Arrivals". It has 50 episodes and the documentary explains about The Anti-Christ or Dajjal Al-Masih. I personally don't believe each and every of the information that was shown, but I took more knowledge on having a "reversed mindset". I taught myself to be one in a million or unique. Ironically, that exact moment was also the moment when London riot occurred ( also Libyan's revolution ). It happens that everyone can be easily influenced by what's being rumoured within the social world. Libya, Iran, United Kingdom, Egypt, Syria and many more. The Anti-Christ's agents target would be the youths. We are vulnerable targets, have we ever thought so ? We've been deceived through entertainment that's been hugely portrayed as the highest value in life, false information and so on. Make more research on what I wrote here, believe me you'd see the links between the secret society's objectives and Dajjal Al-Masih or The Anti-Christ.

Eventhough I'm a social science student, but my major passion is towards the political science stream. My target for these past couple of years is to become a Malaysian Ambassador ( with Allah's Will ). So, my plan was to go through social science which is my current diploma in Media and Communication at UiTM, then pursuing the degree in International Relation at Universiti Utara Malaysia at Sintok, Kedah. That's a fraction of my life plan. These plans will depend on my current effort. Now is the time where every of us put effort in life ( after the planning part ) and execute those paths.

But what I've learnt from that kind of life ? I believe that the surrounding people has much more to learn. We've been blinding ourselves and just purely practises what has been done from generations to generations. Anyway before any of you makes an assumption over my political orientation, none of my post has to do with the Malaysian government ideologies or opposition ideologies. What I want is that each and every of you analyse back on our daily practises. Let's take a small example over here. We were stressed over getting A's in any examinations, but it didn't get a catch on me. I never believed that the grade can do much difference on myself. Luckily my family wasn't the type who'd put all the stresses on achieving that level. Of course who wouldn't want to achieve all A's in their exams ? But what I did, I prioritize more on life long knowledge. I choose to understand what's being teach rather than just memorizing the knowledge. When I made myself clear on what knowledge did I earn, I practises it whenever I need to use those. Don't put 99% effort on grades alone but make it balanced with life long knowledge, too. Try it and enjoy the benefits in future. You don't need to thank me but you should praise The Almighty who is The Ethernal One.

The next post will be on the topic "gay, bisexual and me. Why some thought I am not straight".

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