Prevention is better than cure. Reasons why I chose to spend time alone.

In terms of life, as I mention in the earlier post, I wrote that "Everything is a test. Our life is a test." To see whether are we grateful with what we were given by The Almighty. Today's topic, I will explain here why I love spending my time alone rather than always, as in frequently spending my leisure moment with others. Maybe some who knew me for some time, they've realized this. But for those who aren't, well here I will explain in detail manner. Most likely, many wouldn't know or haven't find out why I chooses to be that kind of "anti-social" person, periodically. Every actions that I take, I wouldn't do it without any reason. As for our fate, there's always a reason why something would've happen that way. I'm still trying to figure out "why did this happen, what did I learn from it" and so on. The Creator knows best over all of His creations, but if we open up our mind wider than the usual surrounding, we'll see a lot more than what or how we see things before. Do you get me ? I hope every of you do, because the story starts here.

I'm trying my best to be a mu'min ( a higher level of a Muslim ) or among His best servant's, with Allah's will. Therefore, to achieve it, one of the base of our Islamic teaching is "taking care of our daily 5-times prayers". I have a lot of friends who aren't taking care of this, they just simply finds it as something "unimportant". No offence to any of you who's around that area, but I wasn't raised that way. Thus, I put it as the "highest priority" in my daily life activities. Everyday, I will make some time to be with my Creator. But whenever I'm outside with my peers, to achieve that is pretty much harder compared while I'm alone. Plus, I really dislikes making someone to wait over me while performing my prayers or "solat". Who in this world likes waiting, I can guarantee that ( because I, myself is among them ). I find it as a burden towards them, the waiting part. But my friend reminded me this.....

"The event means concert. Other than that, I can also relate this with outing or hanging out"

The prayer isn't a burden at all. It is our obligation, to us, every Prophet's Muhammad ( pbuh ) followers. We were instructed by The Almighty Himself. What else should we prioritize other than His orders. By the way, I am nowhere near perfect. All I do is just to remind others so that whatever reminder that I'm trying to pass out to each and every of you out there to choose which one should we place as "our priorities". I'm still persuading myself that the purpose of me writing this blog is to share my knowledge with others and be sincere with whatever I am doing here, also towards everything in life.

If I dare not to take care of it, there'll be a lot of bad consequences that I will face. I've done many bad deeds and The Creator gave me a "cash punishment" or I shall say my punishment were given straightaway right afterwards. Everyone has been through that, it's just a matter of whether do you realize about it or not. Do you ? Have you ever asked yourself why did those bad things happened to you and not other people ? If we speak of that over a negative mindset, surely we'll have a bad perception over The One who created us. But if we look it in a positive way, you'd realize that He put you through all those bad experiences because He wants you to seek His guidance. The Almighty loves it when He finds out that His servant is seeking for His help, because after all the nature of mankind is that deep inside their heart, there's an empty space where one can never fill it through any other human being, but only Him who's able to fill that. I believe many would've forgot or never knew about this, but one can never deny it. You may search in the Quran, make your own research over it. Because here, I am only writing as to start some fire inside you. It's yourself, your own effort is the one that will change your current self. You should pour your own oil towards the fire.

Anyway, as I mention earlier, I am just reminding to those who just read my post. After all, I have no intention over humiliating another being, I am not posting this to prove that I am right, I am just another human being who makes mistakes like all of you, my readers. "Sama-sama lah kita saling mengingat-mengingati antara satu sama lain" Goodnight.


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