Human personality in social term

Note ; This post is a little mixed up. Therefore, my apologies for my uncertainty in writing. I am just sharing whatever thoughts that comes across me while I write.

My favourite colour 

Purple :
Lovers of purple frequently consider themselves to be too sophisticated for a fun romp in the sack. Women sometimes are the type who hate to mess their hair. Men are business-like in their approach to lovemaking. In both sexes purple partners are more concerned with their fulfillment than anyone else's gratification.

My sleeping position

People who sleep in the fetal position :
Long for security, intimacy and joy.Take relationships slowly.Tend to look at the world in rosy colors, and treat people kindly.Are sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world.May appear shy at times or when meeting people for the first time.

Not every information that was written in those tests were true. We would not know our true self  unless if we make a research and observation on our daily activities. It is easy to do so if you put just a little effort on doing so. You will find yourself that you are a very unique person and there will not be another being who shares the exact image of your own self. By creating the perception of "you are one of a kind" can actually make confidence presence in your mind. Why ? Because nobody will find "you" anywhere else other than yourself.

These two were a few online tests that I tried over the internet. I like it since it offers me such satisfaction over exploring my own personality. As my knowledge grew, I've learnt that everyone has 3 different types of personality. It depends on what situation are they actually in. I'll just use myself as an example so that each of you will understand what I am trying to elaborate over this matter.

Scenario one : While I am alone
Basically, if there is no one that I know within my perimeter at a moment, I will find myself of able to do almost everything that is "acceptable" socially. Because I believe that the person that I am about to have my conversation with ( any stranger ) will most likely not be meeting me for the second time. That is I don't mind showing the best impression that I could give. Adding the good social knowledge and outfits boosts my self esteem even higher, it helps me even more while engaging with any stranger that I sees.

Scenario two : While I am having one-to-one conversation ( with a friend )
Most likely I will be giving life advices or a mini-counselling session to them so that they could feel more comfortable while the conversation goes on. Why I chooses this rather than blasting tons of questions about knowing their interests ? Because I believe that "knowing the person" part can be done through knowing their real problems or whatever that they have gone through in life. I am also trying my best to be sincere of having a friendship with another being since one of my life objective is "to help others who are in need". I highly suggests each of you to do this :

"Spread the goodness", as one of my close friend reminded me.

Scenario three : While I am with more than one person ( friends, plural )
I will usually be the opposite of the group ( unless if they are my very close friends ). As in if they are in sadness, I will be the one who cheers them up. This is normal because I am uncomfortable being within a large group of people *I'll explain this later*. The fact that I owns a "reversed mindset" makes me wanting to be the opposite of the norms and it eventually becomes a part of me. The consequences of practising this ? If they are in a happy state, I will be the one who absorbs all those "negative aura" that they release.

*The fact that I was a person who my surrounding friends used to hate, it made  me feel very uncomfortable being inside a large group of people. Nevertheless, they tried to bring me down by spreading the "hateness" towards me. I am referring to my school friends. It happened around my senior high days up until I quitted the Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia ( STPM ) in August 2012.

**The moment I stepped here to join UiTM Lendu campus, I knew that there would be a bunch of people who were about to go against myself when they had their first impression on me. Because my experience taught me that only open minded people will accept my presence and understand my actions. Others ? They did bash me with "facts" that they are not even certain of. "Don't judge a book by it's cover", keep that in mind.

If you are trying to understand what I am explaining over here, first you have to open up your mind and accept the fact that there are a lot of knowledge that we, ourselves has no idea about. Read the Quran translation. If you do read the Quran at least a verse everyday, it is enough to fill yourself with such great positive spirit. Try it. Only one verse a day.

Anyway, I'll share another short story here. I used to spent my five minutes before I sleep, everyday to read the Quran translation while I was serving my National Service term at Arena Resort, Temerloh, Pahang. I felt that each of my day was spiritually complete. This is a highly recommended daily activity that you should try. Read it as if you are reading best seller novels in the market. Such enormous and tremendous facts that were written in The Book. You will not regret of reading it. No matter what beliefs you hold. There is only The Eternal One who owns The Day of Resurrection. 


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