Love story

Love. What is love ? As for here, I am speaking of love towards another human being other than our family members. An affection that we made for a person who is not related to us or I can say towards another stranger before we cares about their wellbeing. Everyone has their own stories of "how they met their partners". Tonight, I am about to share the past stories of my love life. 

Here I go. I had three ex's, a few scandals and many that I tried my luck on. But all of it did not turn well, unfortunately. As for the "official" relationships that I had, it never made through the first month. This is sad, isn't ? It is really hard for me to have the same thinking frequency with all of them. The first while I was doing my 6th grade. The reason why we broke up ? Because her father did not permit her daughter to have a relationship at that age plus we were about to face our UPSR during that year. I knew that it was too young to have one. 

The second girl appeared when I was 14. Long story cut short, basically I felt very disappointed that the fact I could not spend much time with her because of my commitment as a school representative in Scouts. Therefore, I asked her to break with me and find someone who could make time for her.

As for the final one, it happens that I was the one who asked for us to split. All of it was because I felt offended over her indirect Facebook status for me and I could not let my ego and anger down after all. I blamed myself but at the same time, I knew that the girl did not understand that the fact I am helping out family business and with the addition of fasting month, I had to spend more than half day outside the house. I was mentally and physically exhausted. Thus, I am not able to handle her presence and which it became the best ingredient to actually "mohon clash".

But as for my first true love or I can say the first time I really felt "in love" with someone was during my final school day for year 2008 or equivalent with my 8th grade. That was also when I had an experience of "love at first sight". I find the girl as the most beautiful being I have ever seen in my whole life ( back then ). And that love stayed up until I was 17 years old. She was a person I have waited for ( 3 years to be exact ). I made a few effort on making her to notice me. The one and the most memorable one ( which is glued in my mind up until I am currently typing ) was when I tried confessing at her, BY KNEELING infront of her with three roses that I hid behind my back using my left hand. I kneeled and I said, "I love you so much and I have been waiting for you for two years". After I said those "very powerful" words, I went back on my feet and I left her where she sat at. I was not expecting any reciprocation at all. Cut the suspense, she basically said "no" but in a polite way and I had to accept it. 

( An action which will never be forgotten. Also it changed my life up until now, it taught me the idea of being brave and confident in self )

That is what I am able to write currently. I am very exhausted right now. In fact, I did pass out or sort of a blank mind that is trying to switch off my body few times but I forced myself to finish this first before I sleep. Anyway I shall make a sequel upon this entry. Good night :)


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