The One and Partners. Which should we prioritize more ?

0317 : Unfortunately I am still not able to shut my eyes off. This is due to the fact I slept for 3 hours after sunset. What a bad timing it was to fall asleep. In the other hand, why don't I write a bit before my body get its rest tonight. 

Assalamualaikum, my readers. Tonight, I can sense the enthusiasm of sharing a piece of my thoughts. What am I going to write for this post ? I, myself certainly has no idea but it seems that I will be speaking upon the relationship problems that occurs among those who have their "partners" out there.

For what I have seen throughout my entire 19 years of life, I believe that my peers or I can say adolescents are which the stage most would work hard on finding a partner. I have nothing against it, truly. It is within our nature to actually find a person ( among our opposite sex ) and make them as our "loved ones", one can never deny this fact. But the sad part ? While we are working hard towards finding "the one" ( as many would say ), we tend to neglect other things which is far more important than finding a partner. 

Before you proceed upon reading this post, you may list down what are your priorities in life. Just a short one, if malas sangat fikir je 3 priorities in life. The highest 3. Do it. Or else just think of the highest priority in your life.

As for the highest three, you may put anything or almost everything that comes across your mind but remember that the number 1 should always will forever be The Magnificent One, The Oft-Forgiving Creator. If you failed to do so, ask for His forgiveness as I write only to remind what your actual life task is.

Speaking of relationships.
Firstly, I would like to go against the usage for the term "the one". These examples can be used to learn from, if you are able to see more than most out there. I will quote a few here :

"He / She is everything that I needed"

"Nothing compares to you, my love"

"I can't live without you"

"My life depends on you"

"The one and only, love"

And such.... Too many examples to be shown but you may just scroll your Twitter timeline and see whether am I lying over this matter or not. 

First of all, YOUR "PARTNER" DOES NOT GIVE YOU LIFE AND KEEPING YOU ALIVE. Speak or write never these sentences. For me, I am trying my best not to as it has a high possibility of shirk' or associating another creation at His level. He ( Allah, in arabic term ) is The One who owns The Day of Resurrection, He shall never be associated with any of His own creation within this world that we are currently living on. 

As for the word "The One", it should be specifically saved for The Mighty One. Because He is the Only One who stands alone without any help from everything that He created. He is able to do everything and also anything which goes beyond our mind. But no matter how hard I am against the usage of that term among believers, He will be The One judging us during our Judgement Day. He's able to look at your intention as you speak or write that term. I am afraid of the misuse for the term "The One", my main concern.

Third issue is upon your happiness. Why would one depend on another creation in order to gain happiness within self ? Have any of you ever thought that while the sadness appear in your heart, it is Him who would be able to cure every disease. After all, He knows us best. Try reading The Book ( Quran ) if you do find yourself in that hostile situation rather than keeping yourself accompanied by another being all the time. Choose to fulfill our life obligation eg. 5-times a day prayer ( if you have not done so ). Find Him and your "partner" not while you are in trouble. It actually includes every moment of our life. When you have settled the obligation, only then you find the second-step towards solving the problem which is various. Believe me, if every of you knows and practices how important to keep yourself close to our Creator, you will find yourselves circled with positive energy, thus optimism will surround your mind. Therefore, you will be able to go a step ahead towards achieving your life goals ( after your main which is Hereafter ).

Maybe you would feel that I am a little outdated person which I always stresses upon the importance of always being close with our Creator but that does not mean I spent my whole day being in the mosque perimeter and solat ( praying ) all the time. I believe that we must also strive our life as it is being reminded within the azan ( calling for prayer ). Read the translation. After the line "lets perform the prayer" comes the line "lets strive to success". I hope not to be wrong on this. But while you are working or studying, remember Him and recite those prayers before you start any activities. As simple as "By the name of God, .....".

If you do put our Creator as first, trust me that you gain a little piece of mind within your own problems as He will certainly helps you upon solving those. Why do I look happy and optimistic most of the time ( even when I see others to spend their time with their "partners" while I am not ) ? By believing that nothing is more important than Him, The Owner of Heavens and Earth, The Most Merciful. I can assure myself that He will certainly show who is best for me as He is All Knowing of The Heavens and Earth. He is also the main key towards a happy life before your "partner". Remember.


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