24th February 2004, a date that taught me what life is

I believe that many would wonder what does 24th February mean to me. Why do I say it is a date which changed my life for 180 degree. That was the day I lost one of the most beloved person in my life. A dad, a childhood's best friend, a counsellor, an advisor, a businessman, a leader, a guider, a teacher, the founder of the company, someone who meant almost the whole world to me. 

As for this post, I am going to write something that I had promise to my readers. It is on the topic "What have I learnt from my late father's departure to Hereafter". 

He owns my last name which is Jaidir. Let me write a brief history of his early life. He was born at Sumatera, Indonesia. His parent family mainly work as farmers. During his school period, his family could not even afford his textbooks, but in the other hand he managed to borrow one from his friends and copy the book by handwriting. 
*This shows that you have to work hard to achieve something in life*

Take a moment and try to imagine how hard the life was for him. We should be grateful for what we currently have, all praise to The Most Merciful. 

After he graduated from his school, he took a step ahead by working at Tanjung Pinang which is located south from Singapore island, within Kepulauan Riau. He worked by the seaport. That was where he met my mother. After he married my mother, they moved to Singapore for few years, then they shifted to Kuala Lumpur at year 1988. Life was not easy back then. He was not making much income and has a family of 5 to feed at the moment.

Soon, he chose to start a business in muslimah fashion line. This company we currently owns, he built it from scratch and now it is enough to feed our family's life. Thank you for your efforts, papa.

At the age of 46 ( 2002 ) he was diagnosed with pancreas cancer stage 4. The doctor gave him 6 months but he survived for 2 years. He showed a high spirit of fighting the cancer. He died at the age of 48 ( 24th February 2004 ).

Everything that lives will experiences death. For those who still has both your parents at this moment, cherish their presence. Never forget to tell them how much you loves them. But when the time comes for one of them or both to depart from this life, be strong. I will here share what kept me still even though I've lost a father at a young age ( 10 years old ).

I cried, the moment I knew he was not alive anymore. Who would not ? Even though I was only 10 at that moment, I knew that life must go on and won't wait for us. Therefore, I did not regret of what already happened. Because I've always believed that everything happened for a reason. To motivate myself up, I told my mind that The Almighty wants me to be stronger in future. His plans are the best and the most suitable for myself, basically putting all your faith and hope to The Creator will utterly not disappoint you.

I avoided the usage of term "if he is still alive, I'd be a better person". Why ? My faith exceeds those thoughts, therefore I believe that everything that happened and will happen to me will be the best for myself. He knows what's best for me. Why would I question His fate ? Whenever I hear people who tells me that "I wish I am this or this will not happen if I am this", for me they are not grateful for what they currently have.

I've been reminding people that "why would God chooses to test you with bad things in your life ?", it is surely because He wants YOU to learn something. A lesson which can only be gain through bad experiences. Everyone goes through bad times, but it is the thought of "perfection" that is understood through "life without problems" changed our perception. Actually, you can be better from time to time by going through things you wish not to go through. Be strong, each of you. I am indirectly reminding myself by writing this blog post, too.

Anyway, my apologies for not posting on my blog in awhile. I've had and still has assignments to be done but I have to remember that reminding people over these matter would mean more in my life. Will always put others before myself. That is a trait which everyone should practice. Peace be upon all of you.


yasminpooh said…
I'm sorry...I didn't know
Farhan Jaidir said…
Its okay, thank you for reading :)

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