A present for my future wife

Before I start writing, I wish to gain your vote at the polls section. The question is "how many percents do you agree over my writings ?" Thank you for your votes. That is one way of me to either maintain my writing style or to change the content of this blog.

Peace be upon my readers.
Future. What is future ? It is a moment which has not happened, yet, because we are living in present. Most of people would mention that they are scared to know their uncertain tomorrow. There is nothing to be afraid of because The One has trained you to face your tomorrow. He let you went through the scars of yesterday because The Merciful wants you not to go astray from The Straight Path in future.

For believers, we had and still praying that we are to be shown the straight path. He is known to show absolute mercy upon all mankind. That is why He is also known as The Most Merciful.

Here I will let you read through the most recited chapter within The Book ( Quran ) which is known by the name of Al-Fatiha ( The Opening ). At the final verse of this chapter ( 1 : 7 ), we pray that He would show us the path of righteous believers.

"In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds.
The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.
You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.
Guide us on the straight path,
the path of those who have received your grace;
not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray."
Al-Fatiha, ( 1 : 1 - 7 ).

Okay I am just about to start with the future present for my wife. What I wrote in the first half of this post was just a pure reminder for my readers.

Here I will share a part of my planning for my future. This present is currently being made and it will be one day included as a wedding gift for my future wife. It is a book, the content is fully written by myself in which it explains my true self and also part of which I rarely shows to the public. As for my personality, one will hardly understands it. For me, I do believe that this is a very good suggestion as a present. Plus, I like giving away a present that is made by myself. This is a diary which only some can have access to these confidential informations. Of course, one of the definite person to read this is my future wife. Other than those who I trust with my whole life on them.

It may look pathetic but I would choose to give something that is full of sentimental values because I would want the person to appreciate my gift.

Unfortunately, I have no idea to whom I might pass this to because I am not able to marry anyone at this moment. Also, I do not have a person who I can declare as my future wife. Still a student, not dating anyone, therefore to keep myself motivated and enthusiasm in studies alive is through doing something that is beneficial to my future. Everything is done just for the love of my life whom I will soon discover, one fine day. The faith of meeting one never fades.

On the other hand, that is also another reason why I am so eager to work on the weekend at Typo, KLCC. I would like to sacrifice a partial of my current self for the sake of my future self. Well, not everyone would see things the same as my perspective. Be open to any point of views, we do not know every single thing on this earth. It is The Lord who is able to know everything that is created by Himself.


Anonymous said…
I feel your post lacks direction. IMO, you are treating it like a personal diary and adding a vague life lesson that connects to your topic and post. Your grammar as well needs improving. It's hard for me to take your writing seriously when you have broken sentences or misleading titles. Your main title as well is misleading. "Inspiring others". In what way? You are not giving a clear description of your agenda. I feel it is an internal conversation you have with yourself. In other words, your post seem lost and unsure. Be simple, clear and to the point. Keep trying.
Anonymous said…
I’ve just thought up of some simple ways for anyone who is interested in improving their English. I myself am trying to improve in this language each day. You just need to have the passion and enthusiasm to better yourself.
This is what most people would advise: read. Read anything and everything in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. Watch English movies with subtitles. This would be my favourite way of learning English. Not only do I get to have a fun time watching the movie, I’d be learning new words too. Listen to English songs. Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs. This is a very thing you're doing now, start a blog in English. This is one way for you to practice your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favourite movies. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in online chatting and more. Next, why not write to a pen pal? It’d be even more fun to have a pen pal from a different country! I remember feeling excited when I see letters with foreign stamps on it in my mailbox. If you don’t want to spend too much money on stamps, then get a local pen pal. you too can write in your diary/journal in English. This is where you can write anything in it. But if you do write something you wouldn’t want others to read, make sure you hide it somewhere safe! Or try not to write anything offensive at all in case someone does find it. You can also write about neutral stuff like the places you went that day, what you ate, who you met, what you did, etc. Next, be best friends with a good English dictionary. You can use Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, etc. Buy a dictionary that you’re comfortable with and USE it at all times. Keep it next to you when you’re reading. So when I stumble upon a word I don’t know, it's right there by my side. Thus, I have no excuse for not looking the word up! Now, speak the language whenever you can. Speak it with friends and family. You can also sing along to English songs! Try karaoke! Don’t be shy to try speaking the language.

I purposely put on those tips before I begin to write...

A very good advice May 6 at 5:36am. He/she (but I'm gonna use he) is doing a very right thing by giving such a constructive feedbacks and I can see the sincerity by the encouragement at the bottom part. Well done to him! However, as a normal human being, we can't really escape from doing a mistakes especially to those grammar things because we are not born as English, and our parents mostly don't really speak English at home but all those reason can't be an excuse for us due to we were sent to schools by our beloved parents. So, we are the one who should learn, practice and apply it in daily basis no matter where. To me, starting a blog is a very good start for anyone to improve their English especially in grammar part. But Farhan, bear in mind that it is very hard to please anyone. However, you'd best taking this a part of your lesson learnt and do appreciate all the advise. Lastly, if you think you're doing the right thing, just go for it!

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