Reading material

Peace be upon you. Here, I'd like to give you a blog link that I have been reading of. Well, undoubtedly, we have to put Al-Quran as the highest reference after all. Those are the words of God, therefore one shall never doubt its content. That should always be the number one referencing by all. That is also why I have stopped my writings for awhile. I am not able to argue over a topic using The Book as the main reference.
This is a blog written by a man named Syed. He writes articles which argues over any topic and quoting to Al-Quran, most of it. My main interest on his blog currently would be the "Hudud" law. Especially towards limb amputation for thieves ( eg potong tangan ).

Unfortunately, I am not well reinforced towards this Hudud topic. That is why I am not interested in arguing something that I do not master in, yet. My main focus now is to read more on Al-Quran translation because within The Book itself lies uncountable treasure which includes knowledge, wisdom, arts, life guidance, killer for loneliness and many more. Also, my major interest would be character-building in one self because in order for a bad deed to be done by a person, he or she would definitely be misguided at certain point in their life.


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