Infinite "why's" in our life

Peace be upon you, my readers. Straight to the point, I have questions that might be useful to ourselves and may we answer these sincerely and secretly.

1. Why do we wear nice clothes ?
2. Why are we trying so hard to be polite with another being ?
3. Why should we get good grades ?
4. Why do we keep in touch with people that we hate / dislike ?
5. Why should we satisfy others' needs and not putting our own before theirs ?
6. Why are we spreading our "doctrine" ?
7. Why would we share our wealth with another unfortunate being ?
8. Why are we married/marrying ?
9. Why would we want kids ?
10. Why would do something we never love / like about ?
11. Why... So on and so on....

My suggestion for all these "why" in our life, 
"To please The One and Only God."

This is sincerity. To ask the reward from none other than Him alone.

These are promises that God has given us all. May He grant us His paradise in the afterlife.

Al-Mai'dah ( 5:85 )

Al-Mai'dah ( 5:9 )

An-Nisa ( 4:57 )

Ali-Imran ( 3:134 )

Al-Baqarah ( 2:207 )

Al-Baqarah ( 2:25 )

Al-Ghashiya ( 88:8-16 )

Al-Ghashiya ( 88:16 )

Al-Buruj ( 85:11 )

The message will always be the same, READ THE QURAN :) No matter how bad ourselves had / has become. He is Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Wallahualam, Allah knows best.


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