All of me

Assalamualaikum to my readers, here I would like to write a short reminder for us all. As an adolescent, we are very eager in terms of finding a partner who'd suit our lifestyle. We are unable to deny the fact that we are putting a lot of effort for our love life ( after our studies, jobs etc ).

Well, as what I have mentioned before, we should be confident that everything that is offered in Hereafter would be far more greater than what is here on Earth. That is why we should not love too much of this world and be prepare for our death, even if it means we die the moment after reading this post, for instance.

My suggestion for the preparation of death ? Understand and practice the final revelation for mankind : The Quran.

No matter how much we love something or someone, we should never let the passion go over The One, who has lend us everything in our life. Everything and everyone around us is a test for ourselves whether will we be grateful with His blessings or not. 

Bad moments in life does not mean that The Almighty hates us, but instead He would want to see us begging for His mercy and assistance. He would want us to stay close to Him. But many would forget of Him once we were shown the way out from the hardships. How ungrateful can we be ? May our past sins be forgiven.

Also, the lyrics used in the infamous John Legend's -All of Me sounds like this :

"You're my end and my beginning"

From my perspective, that sounds so syirk'. Because The Almighty is The One provides our beginning and our ending, not our loved ones. But eventually, Allah knows what lies within our heart. I am writing this just to remind us all that how dangerous these acts towards our life. Peace to all.

Undoubtedly, it is a romantic song.

The "All of Me" is specially for The Almighty alone.


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