How do I eliminate the depression

Depression. Many has been linked to this particular psychological distress over themselves. Let me share you how I overcome my depression or loneliness that has been attached for quite some time.

But bear in mind, the terms and conditions in overcoming this would only be our "will". Persuading ourselves will not be an easy task.

First, it would be music. In order to change our mindset, we must substitute "music" with an "activity B". For instance, deleting every song that was inside my iPhone helped me through the process. 

This is how my iTunes for my 3GS looks like...

Secondly, do not spend too much time on social media. Instead, we should interact more with people that is nearby such as family, friends, neighbors, classmates and so on. The virtual world is not the only place to interact with another human being.

I stopped my Internet plan for a month in order to learn not to be with my social sites 24/7. Challenge yourself.

Lastly, our apps. When I have deleted music and lessen the usage on social sites, I threw away most of my apps and started to use the Quran app very frequently whenever I have my free time ( in a train going back home, before sleep, after prayer, while sitting and doing nothing ).

There are uncountable knowledge that is being offered within The Book. Spend more time on reading The Quran, I am only trying to persuade everyone to start reading. Depression will go away as we make time to know The One who created us. Wouldn't we want the depression to go away from our mind ?

I started trying all of these while I was on my last semester break. The Almighty had helped me through regaining my confidence on life. Do not completely rely on another human, even if it is our parents, friends or lovers. Put the highest hope in Him, if truly we are believers.


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