The question I have been frequently asked

Peace be upon all.

People keep on asking me "what type of girl/woman do I like ?", well here is my answer. 

p/s : I am not writing this to show off or whatsoever, this is my suggestion to us all men and as a reminder to all readers.

1. Faithful to The Almighty
Eg : Quran is the given life instruction, so read and understand ( insyaAllah, will also practice it ). There shall be no doubt on The Book ( 2 : 2 ).

2. Will not commit small syirk'
Eg : sentences such as "I can't live without you, honey" should we avoid, it is at the same level as associating our partner with our Creator. Why ? Because we are admitting that "the other half" is the one giving us life. 
*May He forbid us from doing so*

3. Obey her parents at all cost ( unless if their word go against God's )
Eg : Asking her not to perform solah when she has the ability to do so

In another perspective, the way a man should propose a woman is through offering himself and not in demanding term.
Eg : Instead of saying "Will you be my wife/girlfriend/fiance ?", we as men should say "Will you accept me as your husband/boyfriend/fiance ?
because it is us whom will take the responsibilty of her wellbeing.

Feel free to give a rate at the poll and drop by any comments. I hope it would be written in constructive manner.

Ok that's all for today. Peace be upon all, Allah knows best. He knows what's within ourselves, let Him judge our action.


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