Criteria for women to be a wife and men to be a husband

I have finished all my assignments, tests, quizzes and classes, therefore the time has arrive for me to start writing back on my blog. Now, only finals that I should be focusing on. The first paper ( Economic Principles ) will take place in another 11 days.

As for this post, I will be writing of "what do I search when it comes to choosing out a lady" ( to be her husband, obviously ). Undeniably, there are a lot of factors that we should be looking at in terms of getting the best out of ourselves and also the ultimate from the other person. 

As a matter of fact, I would suggest all i my readers and also myself that the first criteria that we should be looking at is whether the person do takes care of their daily prayers or not. If they do not, advise them to do so. If they still choose not to, I would say "search for someone who do take care of their solah". Why do I greatly emphasizes on that particular act ?

During our prayer, we will be asking for our God to guide us in our life and we ask Allah to help us with everything, since we do not have the ability to make sure that everything will stay perfect. But it does not mean we are not able to achieve perfection, we were asked to strive our best in life. Problems will occur no matter to whom we are speaking of, even our Prophet himself did face hardships. But hardships are what will make us grow, physically and mentally.

All I can say is eventually, we would need God in our life ( every single day, seconds, moments ) no matter how successful we are and this is what most people may have forget. Blame ourselves for it and change.

Secondly, it will create respect from ourselves to the surrounding people. How does actually performing our "5 times a day prayer" do affect our behavior, mindset and action ?

We would notice that our actions will be based on how do we react toward our responsibilities. In this case, our daily prayers. If we do know how to respect our God through our worshipping acts, then most likely we would know how to respect other people as well. The respect will be present within a relationship if both of them do respect and obey of what our Lord have asked us to.

It is certain that it has to be the highest point when we are searching for "The One". I am just suggesting, though. But that is what I will be doing, I will not suggest something that I, myself does not do.

Speaking for the type of behaviour that comes across my mind, I would pick someone that knows how to be neat, whether inside or outside her room. Cleanliness and tidiness plays a major role in my life, because I love having a well-organised life. A person will achieve this if we do understand the concept of our daily prayer. 

Our wudhu' or self cleanse is an act where we are cleaning ourselves before we meet The God. Undeniably, there are some people who do not take care of their solah but still lives neatly. Well for men ( myself included ), it is our responsibility to guide our wife and children, as well as other family members and that means we have to practise these in our life before we ask others to.

As for women out there, do choose a man who takes care of their solah and tidiness. InsyaAllah, he will help you to be a successful lady in future. Success is subjective. It depends on how we define it.

For me, my definition for "success" is to enter the paradise of hereafter as well as living with no debts and able to share my wealth with others. Peace be upon all my readers, no matter what beliefs you hold.


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