I wonder why....

By the name of The Exalt One, The Creator of All.

I love writing as much as I love reading. Now is the perfect time to blog because I am on my way in a n express bus back to UiTM Lendu, Melaka. The journey from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan ( KL ) will usually takes around an hour and half, depending on the surrounding traffic condition. 

I still wonder what to write about within this post but I will just let my heart decide on things that will be shared tonight. 

Undeniably, we have known the fact that everyone has their own plans for their future life. Yes, I stress myself out on this because planning is as vital as executing those plans. If we do tell ourselves "let's go with whatever opportunity that comes", indirectly it is a plan, too. Because we would still have the idea of achieving something or a goal but we are a little more flexible in changing our paths whenever a new opportunity comes along.

In the other perspective, I would suggest ourselves that we should have a solid goal to achieve during our "young, wild & free" days in order to let not our passion in embracing the future to be devoured by some hedonism ideologies. The tag line "young, wild & free" itself interprets the idea of hedonism.

*hedonism : putting entertainment as the highest value in life

Let me divert the topic onto something else, shall we ? This section will be specifically for students ( including myself ).

As a student, why do we enroll ourselves within the tertiary institution ? Answer it sincerely in our heart before proceeding.

1. Am I studying this for the sake of my parents ?
2. Is this what I really sees myself at in future ?
3. Am I able to endure the life of a student ? Or should I work, instead ?
4. How can I be sure with whatever am I doing now ?
5. I don't have any goals. Let me just "see first". 
( this is a big risk, not advisable )
6. I am staying far away from my parents. I can do whatever I want ! ( remember, God is watching us 24/7 )

In Malaysia, it is not obligatory for people who are above 16 years old to study at any secondary and tertiary institutions throughout the country. We may work wherever we are hired at as long as we are above 16 years of age.

If we are not interested in obtaining more knowledge within the formal classroom, it is better not to spare more days within a university. Go and pursue a goal which we believe that we are good in it. Or else, time will consume our energy and enthusiasm of striving toward success. Let not the pessimism take place in our mind. Be strong and embrace the journey we have chosen.

Malaysians ( well, most of us ) are choosy on choosing our career.. We tell ourselves "If I get the job that I love, it doesn't feel the same as if I'm working because that is my passion".
This will depend on whether the position is available or are we qualified to get these. How can we grasp it if we do not strive during our "studying days" ? There is a lot to learn wherever that we may be at right now.

Rather than imagining, we should go and push forward our current life. If we are having an examination, why do we bother not on revising for the papers ? During a lecture in a tutorial room or a lecture hall, why are we busy using our phones ?

Cheating is a common thing in the examination halls, I can never deny this. Personally, I never felt my effort is wasted through getting low marks. It is a form of inner motivation, indirectly. Compared to cheating, thus obtaining high marks for my GPA's, I would prefer not. Honestly, I feel sorry for those who are not sincere in their studies. Let us not repeat the same mistake in future. 

InsyaAllah or with God's will. Pray and strive for the best ! Create our own destiny.


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