Short-Term Goal, finishing the Bible

Peace be on all my blog viewers. Tonight, I will be writing on my short-term goal that I have set myself on.

As for this post, I am not bragging of anything that I have ever achieved or on what I am planning to do. I am only writing this because I want to inspire people on working their way up to any goals and share my knowledges as well. Therefore, I wish that each of you will set a goal within the near future. For those who already have their goals, never let your sight away from it.

After I have finished reading the Quran translation ( took me around 4 months to do so ), now I am on my way on finishing the Bible - King James' version. I am reading this as for my additional knowledge. That is why I chose to finish the Quran first before proceeds to studying the Bible. To make a stronghold of faith within me.

Currently, I am on the Genesis ( 20 ). Genesis is the opening chapter for Bible, equivalent to Al-Baqarah of Quran.

Anyway, I shall quote you something interesting within the Bible.
About the topic "circumcised" or "berkhatan" as Malays would call it.

Speaking of what can we achieve within a few months period, I would suggest that it must be something "logical" and make sure that we are well prepared to put all our heart upon reaching it. Or else, a failure will certainly crush our confidence on ourselves. 

First failure = disappointment on self
Second failure = lessen the will to strive for the goal 
Third failure = to bring ourselves up, we will have a very hard time on that

We may have seen a few who faced failures way further than we can ever imagine of, but they were still able to achieve their goals. We have heard stories from people such as Isaac Newton and J. K. Rowling whom had experience plenty of bumps in their lives but still able to make their name in The Hall of Fame.

Nonetheless, whatever we are up to, never stop pursuing our goals.

This is the application that I am using
"Holy Bible - King James' version"
( At the bottom of screen, second from right )

Peace to all of you and your families.


Anonymous said…
Interesting to reflect on circumcision. Do you know that males suffering from the hereditary disease "haemophilia" can bleed to death if their skin is cut? So is there exception in God's commands? I think if God were to make exceptions, the size of the Bible or Quran would be a lot thicker!

I think we have to move with the time and the development of scientific knowledge so as not to be trapped in a time capsule!

Aqal user

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