Being famous is not as nice as we thought

Assalamualaikum. Currently, I do feel the urge of sharing a piece of my mind upon the idea of setting the friendships or in general, our social life.

Undeniably, the youths are called or attracted with the idea of having a wide range of friends as it is also made a "need" by some people. With the benefits of new knowledges and experiences to be gathered from them, we would too, learn and chances of being influenced by their bad habits as well.

This is the part where I will emphasize throughout my post for tonight, "bad influences".

As for me, what I found out while I mingle with a wide range of people is that each and every of them is indirectly influencing me to believe or to see things as how they sees it. It is not wrong, because that is also a process of learning. I am also given the choice to choose what is right and what is wrong.

*Even what am I doing right now is influencing my readers to view this matter as how I studies it. Do evaluate on your own*

During my early days in my university campus life, I find that students were trying to gain influence over the others around them. Making the idea of "superiority" to run within our mind, a few "highly notable figures" ( famous students ) to emerge from that small society. That is the norm. Then, some among those figures chose to look down upon students who did not fit their lifestyle. It also meant their followers or friends would do the same towards those "rejected" people. I had been among those who were "rejected" during a moment in my secondary school life as well. That is why I find the segregation idea is extremely cruel to be done towards anyone.

Just be nice, but never make fun of others ! ( in a humiliating or offensive way ).

Frankly speaking, I was vastly known among students in my campus batch-mates. Because I embraced the idea of competing in every aspects, which I find being competitive is what I believed to be vital.

Nevertheless, it would mean the winner is going to be cheered while the loser loses their pride. I won the attention of many during my orientation days, as well gaining numerous haters during the same one week period. One of the achievement on that time was : sang Rhythm of Love by Plain White T's in front of the crowd consists around 1300 students within a hall. What ran through my mind that time was only to try something I may had never done before and most likely will not have those kind of chances ever again. I can still remember the feeling.

It did not take long before I realized that defeating people is not why I was here. The purpose of enrolling is to learn about life. Therefore, I chose to observe more of my surroundings. The act cost me my leisure time with the newly-known friends and I kept a little distance with the society because I was unprepared to wage a war of mindset and life principles with the vastly embraced "hedonism" lifestyle youths. I can never blame any sole reason upon their chosen path, but one of it would always be our social networking sites. Undoubtedly, it is the best medium for Westerners to share their "have fun till you die because life is only once".

Quite a number of girls there got themselves a cultural shock which oversees them to be freely indulging in any types of immoral activities. Of course, free sex is emerging as the worst problem for among the current generation-Y youths. If I take the matter into smaller scope, as I observe, a number of Muslims do not even care about their solah. It would mean they do not practice to be discipline towards their Lord, how would they be discipline over their life ? The concept of daily prayers is for us to always be spiritually guided so that our worldly focus or goals will not be easily shaken as well. Learn and educate ourselves.

Just wanting to justify my writings for all these while, I am not imposing myself as a perfect persona, whatever I am writing in my blog is a plain reminder for myself and every one of us. For me, to cherish the concept of something is much more crutial than learning how-to-do something.

Because there is a higher level for "understanding", which in Bahasa Malaysia, we say it as "menghayati".


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