A will. Wasiat.

A will. In Malay language, it is called "wasiat".

What is a will ? There are two definition, but I am writing it as a message for the future. 

A message for the people around me after my absence on this Earth.

When we speak of death, people would always assume that the person has the idea that their death is already near. God knows best, therefore I would evade myself from speaking these assumptions.

Without doubt, we might as well would rather not state of our own death to others. Owing to the fact that it is extremely horrifying ( for most people ) to imagine.

The idea or view of life ( from our own perspective ) for people around us without our presence is undoubtly something that is mysterious.

But what I believe is that life would be the same whether with my existance or the other way round. The cycle of life as God has planned, nothing lasts forever except Himself, The Eternal One. Someone will eventually replace me as an inhabitant on this Earth.

Why am I writing my own will over this page and can be seen by anyone ? It is for my readers to be the witness ( that this letter shall be carried out ) and also serves as an inspiration that we should plan out for every single part in this life, as well not to forget that we will eventually leave this life for the next ( for those who believe in the afterlife ).

The Testament

I, Muhammad Farhan Faris bin Jaidir, will state my own will over this blog. It is the duty of my family members to carry out anything I have stated here.

1. Whatever that is left by me shall be passed to my family members, if they need any of my belongings in order for survival.

2. It shall be passed to the closest relatives of me, if they need those in order for survival on this life.

3. Will be donated to any of my closest friends who are in need, in order to survive their future life.

4. Anything that is left after it has passed the first three categories, it shall be consumed by the needy within the community.

*I have my rights to change any of the content for as long as I live.

24th January 2015.
By : The blog owner,
Muhammad Farhan Faris bin Jaidir

Again, everything that is written over here shall be executed by my family members and they shall not abuse any part of this letter.

As for ourselves, we should always lead ourselves and our closest people to a righteous life. Always steadfast while spreading the truth. Our heart would know which path is the truth. Ask ourselves.

Remember, God is cognizant of everything we do. He knows what we reveal and what we conceal.

Just as a plain message, this is a reminder that shall be my main message for everyone which quote from the Quran. It sounds like this :

[25:30] The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran."

Surah Al-Furqan, Verse 30:

وَقَالَ الرَّسُولُ يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِي اتَّخَذُوا هَٰذَا الْقُرْآنَ مَهْجُورًا

And the Apostle cried out: O my Lord! surely my people have treated this Quran as a forsaken thing

25:30 Dan berkatalah Rasul: "Wahai Tuhanku sesungguhnya kaumku telah menjadikan Al-Quran ini satu perlembagaan yang ditinggalkan, tidak dipakai".

Peace be upon my readers.


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