What makes her "attractive"

Assalamualaikum my readers. Today, I'll share with you those traits that attracts me towards knowing a lady.

Obviously, we're mesmerized with the looks of a person. This "looks" or "beauty" part plays a big role in terms of first impression.

*Click on the link for tips on first impression*

But once the first phase goes off to the next level, looks or beauty will be replaced with personalities. Therefore, these are what I personally looking for within the lady that I lay my interest on.

1. Independent
Have any of you ( ladies ) ever thought that most guys are attracted to a lady that can literally live on her own ? As for me, I find this as the main that makes me attracted in knowing someone. This would include "wouldn't mind spending time on her own, even if her friends aren't with her". I'll explain more later on.

2. Daddy's little girl
The second trait might sound opposite with what I wrote earlier, but being "daddy's little girl" doesn't mean her home is her only world. It means that her dad is her best guy in this world, because I believe the father plays a very big role in nurturing the lady until she's married. By then, her husband will take over the main role as both her idol and lover as well.

I didn't get the chance to learn much about adulthood from my father as he passed away when I was 10. But then his legacy and personality is still within my blood because during our childhood that was where we started learning through imitating others' acts. Especially those who are close with us.

3. Doesn't bitch about other people
Bitching is common. But it never meant approval for those who wants to embrace success. Without doubt, we won't be able to figure out whether is the lady talks a lot about other people or not. But there's one way that we may try, which is the topics that she'd usually talk to us. Whether it's about themselves or the people around them.

Bear in mind, there's a thin line between bitching and expressing.

Practically, these are what I'd usually look for whenever I set my sight to someone. But it's vary, depending on every person itself.

At the end of the day, I personally believe that it's the men who should have the characteristics to make him a good leader to be followed because eventually he'll be leading his wife and descendants.


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