Since writing can make me sleep.....

I had always wonder how could possibly writing or in my case, blogging, could clear off my mind to help me have a better sleep at night ? It is because we could push whatever thoughts we're having or thinking while trying our best to push the mind and body into resting mode. Okay, let's hope that this will work though.

First thought
How my life would be in 5 years time ?

I've always wonder how my life would become within the next 5 years. Currently, honest writing, I am not making a single cent on my own because I chose to wait and help out the family to finish renovating the house since we'll be hosting a wedding ceremony in less than 3 weeks time. Shite, that's close enough.
I felt myself incapable of doing anything, powerless, because of not having the ability to create or gain my own wealth. As time went by, it gets even more disappointing of helping anyone ( in this case, my family ) when I don't get anything in return of my sacrifice of not working up until the wedding event ends.

It is disappointing for not getting paid or reward ( in any form ) for those times I've wasted for helping out. There's a line between helping and being manipulated. Hope every of my readers would never take anyone for granted or using any other beings towards achieving your dreams. Being manipulative is just a shame towards self, while being manipulated and not fight for our rights would seems worst than manipulating other people.

Second thought
I will definitely reconstruct the family's business organisation in order to meet up towards the goal of a family business

The secret success towards having a successful family business is by involving each member and making everything within is as clear as crystal. Just like how we wish our government to be transparent. Have you ever wonder about that ?

A family business ( which in our case, my late father founded "Dirs" ) is supposedly to become a medium or a way of sustaining the family in monetary term ( by means distributing the wealth towards all family members ), it is not for just the benefit of a single member. That is considered as power abuse. Just like some world leaders, power abusers.

Third thought
Having a person to work for the promotional booth alongside me during the UMNO's General Assembly starting next Tuesday until Sunday

So, I've had someone in my mind to take this position, since my bestfriend couldn't take it because she'll be working at Kidzania. Thank God, I'll definitely contact this person first thing tomorrow.

Fourth thought
How can I get over the loneliness feeling ?

Easiest question, by remembrance of The Almighty. He will definitely provide me with whatever that I couldn't imagine having. Just need to stay focus towards having a better life. Struggling in motivating self as each day passes by ( without making any money ). That's harsh, honest speaking.

Anyway as a conclusion, even though money isn't my main reason of life, but we need it to sustain our life. That's why we work, we need a medium to sustain this life. The giver of wealth, life and everything will always be The Almighty. We're striving to sustain our life. He is The Provider.


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