"I lost myself" - Karma Police

Since the urgency to write comes earlier than midnight, peace be on my readers. Currently, I'd like to share my own experience last night whereby I felt lost in sense of life direction ( and it wasn't my first time though ).

How bad was it ?

The feeling I felt was : Lost. The type of "lost" that's even worse than the TV series "Lost". Lame joke, I know.

Okay, it happens that I've re-think and re-thought many times about my own faith. Of course, for those who hasn't gone through this phase, you might say "that's a sign of people who are astray". But, one day you might be asking yourself "Am I on the right path ?". How are you going to answer yourself by then ? Lying to ourselves is never possible, note that.

We've always been taught not to question our faith. Not for me, because The Book asks us to use our mind and give thought about everything around us. THINK. This earth itself is a sign of blessing and a proof of Him ( 45:13 ). The reminder would benefit those who thinks deeply ( 51:55 ). Easier to be said than to understand, my thoughts went on and on questioning everything. I was scared as well.

Right after I've finished my prayer, I prayed to be granted certainty in my mind and solve whatever that's been wandering in my heart. He knows best for His creation, that's why I find it easier to "talk" ( pray ) to Him whenever problems arise. Soon after, I grabbed my Quran translation to resume reading ( because that's what I'd usually read on my free time ) and the answer appeared straightaway on 7:29 - 7:30.

Honestly, was fascinated, amused, stunned, wow-ed, speechless and whatever reaction you might think of happened at once. Although this isn't the first time I felt so, there's always something new for me whenever I read it. That's why I'm trying my best to invite everyone to read ( the truth about The Book.... 25:30 ). Eventually, we're all going to taste death. How well are we prepared ?

I've been spending most of my time researching and learning The Book. The study is never ending ( unless when I die, obviously ). The only concern is "Am I on the straight path ?". That's the scariest part. Have you ever thought of that ? Give ourselves some time for self-reflection. It might help us straighten up our life as well. We are all searching, nobody isn't.

Are we certain about having a good life in Hereafter ( for those who believe in afterlife ) ? How about getting His punishment due to our ignorance ? What would we do if our life ends tomorrow ? Peace be upon everyone.

p/s : there are links given. or else, open up your Quran and search yourself


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