Why I chose to after happiness instead of something else ? Wealth perhaps ?


Tonight, I thought of sharing something that has been roaming in my mind.


What could we actually do with it ? Where does money's ability lies on ?

We'll be able to buy items, needs, properties, travelling and so on. Yes, everything that I mentioned there needs to be paid using papers that are called "money". I can't deny how important it is to sustain our life. But what more it could offer us ? Comment me over this post.

It certainly has pros and cons, everything we'd encounter in our life has been in such term. Nothing is perfect other than our Lord. Get the clue there ?

How about happiness ?

Let us imagine a scenario. We bought our dream car and drove around with it almost all the time. But a moment after, it could offer us less excitement but more pain ( in order to pay up that car ).

Why can't the happiness lasts if we'd say we achieved our dream car ? ( or any sort you'd name me )

Because there's a part in ourselves that needs to be filled with this "sole thing". That's where our true happiness lies on. Try guessing what I'd write over here ?

13:28 Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured."

I know that we'd most certainly deny this ( or would give reasons not to accept this ). But, we might give it a try perhaps ?

As for those who haven't tried reading or left this book called Quran, I'd highly suggests us trying to study it. I won't ask anyone to leave whatever they're currently studying, but why not adding Quran into our lists ?

20:124 And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind.

All I wish is for everyone to live a happy life.



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