I love you

"I love you"

The moment we read that line, I believe most people will interpret it in terms of sexual-affection. Truth to be told, we know not the real intention behind such words. Honestly, that powerful phrase "I love you" can be said to anyone as we appreciate their presence. Thanking is a different topic though.

It is best to express our gratitude everyday towards those who has always been there to help us. I do have people who has helped me a lot. Such a lie to not rely on any other human beings. For starter, our mother was the person who bore the labor pain ( except for Adam and Eve ). Both our parents deserve to hear the line "I love you"  from us, every single day.

We can also demonstrate "I love you" through our actions. For instance, most men would convey those affection through their body language and actions. Feel free to observe it.

"I love you"

That is the most powerful line I can ever imagine. As a human being, we do crave for affection ( especially from those who are close to us ). Just remember that we are only able control ourselves. Therefore, it is best to always convey our love toward others. They will most likely reciprocate those warm feelings ( it will also lead to a better relationship with the receiving end ).

Truthfully, I do care about some people more than I do care for myself. All I wish is for them to succeed and live a happy life ( both present and hereafter ). I hope it is not too late to tell them "I love you".

Ultimately, thank you to those who ease my life obligations. Our Lord will be the one to reward your good deeds.


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