To empower others

Peace be on everyone. It's 2:21 am and I feel there is a lot of things going through my mind that needs to be shared. Therefore, I trust my intuition. Now is the perfect time to tell you what drives me to write in this blog.

The only thing I believe I could do best is to help other people. I believe in inspiring other human beings toward achieving their goals. I believe that everyone will eventually achieve whatever they dream of. It is up to us whether to strive for our dreams or stay stagnant. Either we alter our path ( depending on the situation ) or stick to the plan we have drawn in past. Never let anyone to tell us that we are a failure. Not even our parents has the rights to say so.

This page started with few viewers, but never did I stop myself from making other people feel inspired through this page. Since the first post, I believed in reaching more and more readers that would show interest towards my thoughts. I got more than 1,600 pageviews within the first month ( Dec '13 ) and it made me believe that there are people who do needs these type of blogs whereby they feel inspired by reading a story of another being.

I got satisfied with it and as a result, I slowed my number of entries. A plunge in the total viewers for Jan '14 to only a quarter ( 1/4 of 1,600 = 400 ) compared to the month before. I was devastated. I did not spend more time in sharing my thoughts. The number shrunk each months. Nevertheless, we will only fail once we stop pursuing our dreams. I got my up's and down's throughout these past two years ( and four months, to be exact ).

Personally speaking, my writing skills and the language proficiency grew every time I wrote for a post. I got an anonymous commenter saying :

"Your grammar as well needs improving. It's hard for me to take your writing seriously when you have broken sentences or misleading titles"

I do admit that I was not born in a family who uses English as our first language. We do not even speak English with each other. But in truth, I did not stop myself from having my own learning sessions. I would usually use Google definitions to double-check the words I wrote ( just for certainty ).

Many has told me "kau boleh tulis blog pasal English kau hebat" ( you can write a blog because you have good English ). That is totally untrue. It is because I had ( and still have ) the initiative to learn it. I put down some time to learn whatever that I lay my interest on and it happens that this blog needs a lot improvement in terms of language, especially my grammatical knowledge. 

I studied media and communication stream. English was the first language for most subjects. We ( media practitioners ) should be asking ourselves "why am I here if I don't bother upgrading my English mastery ?". 

Although I have wrote aforetime ( previously ) about believing ourselves, but solely believing is not enough. We need to put an effort towards achieving a goal. Our goal may vary, depending on our view towards life. But the most important thing is "What are the efforts to achieve it ?".

"A thousand mile journey starts with a single step"


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