"What's on your mind ?" - Facebook

Tonight, I'll be writing as how I'd be writing for myself. Many has told me that they wanted to write for themselves, that's a good thing to know. Therefore, I'll share it by how I write for myself. Enjoy reading though.

p/s : everything will be done with least filtration

How am I doing today ?

Everything is fine. I feel content over myself. Although I've been wanting to do some things lately, but maybe the time isn't right, yet. "Yet" by means it'll be done soon enough, as God's will.

I need to fight my addiction on spending towards flat white and greentea latte. But the idea of going to those places offers me a little piece of mind ( as well a good spot to talk about life and meet others ). Maybe it won't hurt much if I put certain limit for each week, perhaps ?

Why do I dislike myself overspend on those ? I have to save up for the Mt Kinabalu hike this August. But so far, I have enough to sustain myself and to make some savings for it. Believe in self. Never overspend in anything, note to me.

What about my love life ? 
( Well, it's always been this vague topic of course. What to expect ? )

I believe not to have someone at the moment. Not because I'm emotionless, but there are lots of things to be done in this near future.

It's been quite some time after I've actually "had" someone in my life. But it doesn't mean I stopped looking for that "special one",  It simply became not the highest priority because I found reasons not to. What's the highest priority ? Get myself together. Although at times I did ( & still does ) feel lonely, but nonetheless My Lord is with me. I just need some more time to know myself.

But what sort that I'm looking for specifically ?

Supportive person

Yes, a supportive person is what I need. That's the best trait I could think of. I'd do the same, obviously. Because supporting each other is one of the key towards building a good relationship.

I have goals to achieve, same as the other end. Why not going for those goals and as well knowing someone has our back ? Have faith.

Anything new to share ?

I'll be doing a solo hike at Fraser Hill this Wednesday. There are two peaks within a single session. Pine Tree Hill ( 3 hours ) and Twin Peak ( plus an hour ). I pray for my safe journey, Six to eight hours of alone time in the forest might be an unbelievable experience, yet terrifying. But I'll take the safety measures, insyaAllah.

Whatever happens next, my only message to everyone would be :

Read the Quran. Study it. The best reminder for mankind. Peace.


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