More than meets the eye

Sometimes, we'd wish that the life we're living can be predicted. Sometimes, we'd wish that we can repair the things we did in past. Sometimes, we'd wish to grab a hold on perfection. Sometimes, we'd wish that we can control everything.

It'd make us surpass our God, then. What a foolish thought that would be.

Truly, nobody knows what'll happen in the next 10 years, 5 years, next year, or even tomorrow. We can only plan whatever we'll be doing. Whether it happens or not, it's too subjective for me to write. There's no absolute answer on "failed plans". Everything contains of more than a single reasoning.

What I'm trying to write here is that, there's nothing absolute in this life.

Except God is One. That's absolute. I will stand firmly on this.

It's funny when everyone is trying to tell me that whatever they're telling me is the truth. It's funny that everyone is telling me whatever they've experienced is the best way to live my life. It's funny when everyone is saying that they know more about my own self.

I do share whatever I've experienced to people, but I stresses on that everyone will go through different scenarios ( although using the road I walked through ). Maybe it seems identical, but unalike. Worlds apart.

The best way ( from my perspective, you may disagree ) to actually live our life is by taking their comments into account and digest it. Try to understand their points but never should we live their way. We should have a firm stance on our life. Are they the one living in our shoes ?

For me, I made a mistake whereby I take other people's faith ( p/s: life understanding ) into my own. I slowly believed whatever majority say is the best way to live our life. No wonder I had hardship loving my own life.

I will stand on whatever that I believe, but I do also welcome anyone who wants to share their views on life. It includes everyone. I'm up for some good chats. But by no means that whatever I myself believe is absolute as well.

Life is a gamble. We're a gambler.


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